Performance Enhancement 360 (PE360)

Full Setup Process

System being upgraded
Reactivation date September 2024 

(Note: Do not put yourself through all of this until after you have contacted us, it is really for reference purposes only - We will do most of these step or but we have provided here so you can see how organised we are. We will set up something much quicker for you.)

A. Info Gathering
Step 1
Pricing System – please use this web page to review the pricing system for the online role appraisals and other targets. Decide what type of survey you are after.
Step 2
Hardcopy Appraisal and Survey Identification Form (optional) – Decide how many types of respondents you want to fill in the survey, you can choose up to eight types (e.g., Principal, Deputy Principal, APRE, Staff, Parents, Students). If you fill in this form first it will help you to enter the necessary information into the online service request form (see Step 3 below).
Step 3
Service Inquiry / Request forms (optional) - Please use this web page to inquire about or submit a request for any of the services that offers.
Step 4
Suggested end-to-end process for conducting the performance appraisal process (optional) - This file contains a description of the suggested end-to-end process for conducting an online performance appraisal.
Step 5
Hardcopy Specific Appraisal/Survey Form (optional) - We suggest using this form to identify the specific appraisals and online surveys you would like to conduct. The information you collect in this form will help you to enter the necessary information into the online survey database form (see below).
B. System Setup
Step 6
360 Online Survey Database (optional) - Please use this online form to do the following:

Establish the database - please use the following form to enter general information about each role (e.g. deputy principal) or target (e.g. a school, program, expansion proposal etc.) that is due for review in the next few years, this will help to establish the online survey database.
Step 7
Instructions for Developing or Revising a Question Bank – Please use this web page to review the process for using, developing and revising question banks.
Step 8
Sample Question Banks (optional) – Please use this web page to review the various question banks that have already been established. Before going through the effort of developing a new question bank, we suggest that you review existing question banks to determine whether you can use an existing question bank (with or without revisions). If you are conducting a performance appraisal for a particular person, we suggest that you print the relevant question bank and take a hardcopy to the preparation meeting.
Step 9
Develop or Revise a Question Bank – Please use this web page to develop or revise the question bank(s) that are required to conduct the various online surveys that you have requested.
Step 10
Sample final report (optional) – If you are conducting a performance appraisal for a particular person, we suggest saving and printing the sample final report if you wish to take a hardcopy to the preparation meeting. The final version may vary slightly depending on your requirements.
C. Survey Start
Step 11
Hardcopy Appraisal Information Form (optional) – If you are conducting a performance appraisal for a particular person, we suggest saving and printing the hardcopy version of the form and taking it to the preparation meeting. This will assist you in capturing the detailed appraisal information that needs to be entered into the online survey request form. If you have access to the internet during the preparation meeting then you can enter the information directly into the online form.
Step 12
Hardcopy Survey Information Form (optional) – If you are setting up an online survey for something else other than a role appraisal, we suggest saving and printing this form. You can use this form to capture the much of the key information that is needed for setting up a specific online survey.
Step 13
Online Survey Request Form – Please use this online form for entering all the detailed information necessary to set up an appraisal for a particular person or an online survey for some other target (e.g. school). Please ensure that you have already identified an existing question bank or developed/revised and submitted a question bank that will be used to conduct the online survey. Once you submit the survey request form, the will set up the online survey and link it to the required question bank. Submit this online form to get the process started.
Step 14
Develop Mailing Lists for the Response Groups (optional) - Please use this web page to access resources that will help you set up the mailing lists for the various response groups associated with each survey request.
Step 15
Sample Invitation to Participate and Reminder Emails (optional) – Please use this web page to access samples of the invitation to participate and reminder emails that are sent to members of the various response groups.
Step 16
Assurance of Anonymity (optional) – Please use this web page to access forms that participants can use to communicate any concerns about anonymity.
D. Monitor Survey
Step 17
Review Response Rates – Please use this web page to access up-to-date information about response rates (by response group) for each of the active online surveys.


E. Survey Admin
Step 18
Access / Review Online Surveys - If you are overseeing multiple surveys and have an admin account please use this web page to access the various online surveys (e.g. role appraisals, school assessment, program assessment etc.) that are currently open to the designated participants.
F. Report
Step 19 will generate the report after the nominated closing date (please allow 3-7 days for the draft report to be generated) and contact the survey liaison officer associated with the survey.